One Day I noticed something significant! My Dear Trash has a link to Laura's eBay store on the side of their blog. I was checking out her deals and saw that her pictures are almost always taken on her hard wood floor. And it has a really nice stand out effect! She is so smart!! So I looked at my pictures on my auctions and decided I needed some drastic action. I retook all my clothing pictures!! Previously all my clothing pictures had been on hangers. Ad really that's not always flattering nor can you see most details of clothing that way. In my case the spot I'd chosen was between my computer desk and my kitchen counter, fine except you can see phone /computer cords in some of the pics. For example this one: After seeing the new pictures I just had a great feeling that this week would be fantastic!
And - drumroll please - it was!!! Although a lot of the items sold these week were ones I've had in my ebay box for over a year!! Woohoo for cleaning house! Here are some of the best sales:
Classic Pooh pre-pasted 5 yd wallpaper border. New. Purcahsed for $.99 sold for $4 (+ s&h)
2 pairs Boys black dress pants 18M & 2T Great condition. Paid $0 (from my own household) sold for $3.99 (+ s&h)
The BIG surprise: 3X LIZ & ME Red & Pink flowery Top. Paid $0 (came from my mom) sold for $17.01 (+ s&h)
You are so cool and your wood floors are gorgeous. Thanks for the ultimate compliment. Keep it up and make lots of cash.
ReplyDeleteI love it. I would also recommend you put your photos inside your ebay listing using Html code. It stands out and gives your buyers much bigger pictures. :) Best of luck.