Thursday, January 6, 2011

Time Travel Trash Thursday - Coins

Do you have a collection of coins? Whether they are current currency being saved for a "rainy day" or they are foreign coins from the past, I think most everyone does. I've decided for me, a picture will suffice and I can get rid some of mine.

Today's Time Travel Trash - Coins
When I was a teen, we lived in Panama near the canal. American currency was accepted there, but this was the local currency, some of which depict Balboa, and the others I believe the Kuna's, local Indians.
This is an Indian penny that I got in my change one summer doing a paper route. We would sometimes stop at a 7-11 for slushies which doing the route.
Germany currency

Silver quarters (these I'll probably keep)

Have you ever seen those machines that you put a penny (and a quarter for payment) into and it squishes the penny into a design? I think these were from the summer my brothers and I went to visit our then single uncle in San Diego. He took us to the Scripps Aquarium and Sea World.

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