Regardless, I plan to continue to keep Goal-setting and this time I am going to switch gears and set goals strictly pertaining to eBay. Kelly, over at MyDearTrash has set and achieved some amazing goals (i.e. Family Trip $4000+; a new computer $2000+; and now she is planning on paying for her daughters wedding costing $5000 in only 5 weeks of eBay selling) and she achieves her goals very well in a short period of time. In the past I've just used my eBay money for whatever comes a long, bills, food, gas, etc whatever. Now I'm thinking I need more focus to make this really worth it, and not just a hobby. Because if I'm being honest, my favorite part is the shopping ;) I need some push to get my clothes actually up on eBay so they can sell, and I can do more shopping ;)
So, that being said here are some goals (in no particular order) that I'd like to achieve with my eBay profits:
- Pay Off my credit card debt
- Buy a new computer (to make listing way faster)
- New couch!
- Gym Membership
- Landscaping
- New Washer/Dryer
- Shopping Spree at Down East Basics (this one goes a long with my losing weight goals ad my Gym membership Goal) I just LOVE their clothing
- Food Storage
- Take my kids to Disneyland
- Silhouette machine
- New bikes for everyone in the family for Christmas
So... what are your goals? What gives you the drive to work harder & smarter?
Its kind of fun to make a list!! Go to it! Some of the things I want feel lofty and will take time others can be achieved in less time than you think if you just stick to it. I've seen it over and over with Kelly and have faith and hope that it can work for me too.