It's Spring! And there are alot of people buying on ebay wanting to shed the Drab for something Fab. Florals are hot right now! What is interesting to me is peoples tastes. Looking back through the week and the variety of prints and florals that I have sold, none of the prints are alike and yet to someone, they were Fab.
And yet, there are still solids selling too. I myself have always been the type to ooh and ahh over a print, and yet as my tastes change and I get older, I'm leaning away from prints and trying to use more solids. So I'm wondering...are you feeling like you are drawn to prints or solids these days?
RQT SKIRT Brown with beautiful floral design sz 12, purchased for $2.49, sold for $9.99 |
S-Twelve Dress Small Petite Peekaboo sleeves, purchased for $5.24, sold for $12.99 |
COLDWATER CREEK Spring Floral Skirt sz M with Ribbon border, purchased for $1.00, sold for $7.99 |
MAX STUDIO sz M Pretty Blouse Black Teal White, purchased for $1.00, sold for $7.99 |
Anthropologie FREE PEOPLE sz 6 Floral Strapless Blouse, purchased for $6.99, sold for $13.09 |
This Beautiful CALVIN KLEIN sz 10 GREEN SKIRT 100% SILK Lined NWT (orig. $125) I purchased for $3.99, sold for $19.99 |
These are GREAT tips! Never would have thought about the floral! You are reselling at great prices. I feel like I can't get my prices quite that high.